Week 3! 20.9.24

We have had a great week learning our songs for our Harvest Festival with Falcons class and Owls class.
In English, we have written expanded noun phrases about Beegu. The children created brilliant sentences that described Beegu and helped picture Beegu in our minds. We have used coordinating (and, but, or) and subordinating (because, when, if) conjunctions to join words and clauses together. Kestrels have also tried really hard with their handwriting this week and really focused on keeping the letters on the line.
In Maths, we have been looking at number lines. We have used number lines to count up in 1s and 10s to 100. We then used our number knowledge to estimate numbers on a number line.
We have enjoyed our science lesson this week! We looked at different objects/materials in the classroom and sorted/grouped them by their properties - transparent, translucent, opaque, absorbent, waterproof.
- PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
- Please bring in reading books and reading records every day and read 5 times a week at home. Remember an adult needs to sign the reading records.
- Spellings will come home on Monday. Please practice these every day at home ready for our spelling test on Fridays.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Knapp