Term 3, Week 1! 10.01.25

Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. Kestrels have come back to school raring to go and are excited about our new units for term 3.
In Maths, we have started looking at money. This week we have looked at what pence is and the different coins we have, what pounds are and what notes and coins are used for this. Today we identified and made different amounts in pounds and pence. The children were super at recognising the different notes and pounds!
Our new unit in science is all about animals, including humans. This week, we explored what animals needed to survive. We discussed lots of different things animals may need and like but narrowed it down to the key things that are really needed to survive and grow – food, water, air, shelter.
For RE, we looked at commitment and what it felt like to have to do something 5 times a day. To explore this, our commitment was to do some exercise activity 5 times in the day to be fit and healthy. We had to stop what we were doing throughout the day to make sure we could complete this commitment. Some of the children loved this as they thought it was important to be healthy, and it helped them be focused for their learning. However, some children thought it was annoying as it interrupted their learning! This all linked to our new unit of learning about Islam as Muslims pray 5 times day, every day.
We are excited about our DT unit on cooking and nutrition. To start our unit off, we looked at what a balanced diet is and means. We looked at the 5 different food groups and what foods were in them. We discussed that to have a balanced diet, you need to eat a variety of foods across the food groups, but we noticed that some sections were bigger on the balanced diet plate than others. The larger sections show how much of each food type we should eat: more fruits and vegetables but less oils and spreads.
- PE days for Term 3 are Tuesday (Yoga) and Wednesday (Football).
- Please bring in reading books and reading records every day and read 5 times a week at home. Remember an adult needs to sign the reading records.
- Spellings will come home on Monday. Please practice these every day at home ready for our spelling check on Fridays.
- Practice your times tables on TTRockstars using the login stuck in your reading record.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Knapp