Summer 2 Week 2
This week we enjoyed a free writing session! We were asked to choose any style of writing we wanted to showcase our writing skills. We saw stories, letters, diaries and newspaper reports! They were all very creative and we loved having the time to express our own personal writing styles! In maths we have been exploring shape and angles. We have been discussing right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles. We also enjoyed completing our multiplication check on the ipads this week! We all persevered and tried our very best.
We have been preparing for sports day in PE and are all set for Monday (weather permitting) to show off our athletic abilities and to have lots of fun.
In PSHE, we have been continuing our discussions surrounding being kind to one another and how we follow our Christian values, school promises and British Values.
Star of the Week:
This week our star of the week is ... Rowan! Rowan has had a great start to this term and is showing kindness, a positive attitude and fabulous learning skills. Well done Rowan! Keep it up :)
- Next week is our 'Healthy Week' in school! Monday = sports day, Friday = Colour run!)
- Reading records and books into school each day please.
- Water bottles in school each day.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Reed x