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Spring 1 Week 2

This week we have continued our multiplication learning by looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. We noticed lots of patterns and linked it to our learning all about place value! In English we have started our diary writing and wrote a diary entry all about what our Christmas days looked like. This week in computing, we started to use programming to direct a turtle and to solve challenges. We also looked at identifying times of disappointment in PSHE. In PE, we have loved our swimming session and football!

Trip to the Ashmolean Museum:

This week we loved our school trip to the Ashmolean museum in Oxford. We learnt lots about the Egyptians and had a private tour from a tour guide, who was very insightful. We saw lots of ancient artefacts, including a real life mummy! The children were beautifully behaved, and we even had members of the public say how impressed they were with their behaviour and listening! Well done Hawks! 

Things to remember: 

- Next Friday we are continuing our swimming lessons. 

- Please read 5x a week and bring reading records into school daily. 

- Home learning was sent home today in bags. 

Have a lovely weekend :) Miss Reed x