Spring 1 Week 3
This week in Hawks class we enjoyed learning how to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit number. We have been using our collum multiplication method to help us. We have also been diving into what makes a good diary entry and have learnt all about first person, pronouns, past tense verbs and the use of chronological paragraphs. We are looking forward to putting these into practice when we write our diary entry about our school trip day!
In history, we learnt all about mummification and even mummified a tomato! Our experiment is ongoing, and we can't wait to see what happens to the mummified tomato, compared to the non-mummified one. I have attached the mummifying tomato instructions in case you want to try this at home too! We have also enjoyed our football and swimming in PE and are getting better each week.
Star of the week:
As it was Year 3's class assembly this week, we did not have a star of the week this week.
Things to remember:
- Please bring in reading records each day.
- Reading 5x a week is what all of the children should be doing to continue to develop their reading skills.
- PE days are Monday and Friday (swimming).
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Reed x