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Autumn 1 Week 1

Massive congratulations to all the Owls children for completing their first week at school! And what a wonderful week it has been. The children have been settling into the class, exploring their classroom, making new friends, going on their first Welly Walk, starting Dough Disco and enjoying a Friday treat of bubbles on the field! We experimented with colour-mixing using paints, tried 'magic painting' with water outside, began consolidating what we know about numbers 1, 2 and 3 and discussed how we felt about starting school, using The Colour Monster to help aid the conversation. 

It has been lovely to start to get to know each child individually, watch them play beautifully with friends from nursery and form new friendships with the other children. 

Next week the children will be staying for lunch Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and beginning their Full Time Timetable from Thursday. It is likely your little ones will be tired as they adjust to a new setting, new grown-ups and a new routine. To help them settle quickly and become more independent, we ask that parents say their goodbyes in the morning at the door or in the cloakroom and refrain from entering the classroom where possible. This will help ensure your child has a prompt and peaceful transition into the school day. 

Next Friday the children will bring home their reading records and a 'bedtime book'. The bedtime book is not a reading book, but rather a book your child has chosen for you to read to them! We will begin teaching phonics using our Sounds Write Programme from Monday 18th September. Full decodable reading books will follow once your child is ready to begin consolidating their sounds. A letter explaining how we manage Early Reading will accompany their first reading book and will hopefully answer any questions you may have. 

Many thanks again for the parents and children for a fabulous first week in Owls Class. We greatly look forward to welcoming you back on Monday for Week 2!

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Slaney