Spring 1, week 2
Please check back each Friday for our weekly blog updates.
Spring 1, week 2
Spring 1, week 1
Autumn 2, week 6
Autumn 2, week 5
Autumn 2, week 4
Autumn 2, week 3
Autumn 2, Week 2
Autumn 2, week 1
It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school.
Owls have started their new topic, all about celebrations. We have linked lots of our learning to fireworks this week. Owls used their senses to describe how fireworks look and sound. We created firework art using a printing technique and used our imaginations in our new hot dog stand role-play area. Owls were fascinated to find out about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate bonfire night. The children re-told the story with small world characters and created their own masks.
In maths, we learnt a song about the number bonds to 5. We then used a part-whole model to split 5 in different ways.
British Values at BBV
Each week we will read stories that link to our British Values. This week we discussed democracy and what we thought it meant. Owls loved listening to the story 'Out of the Blue', which is about a boy who loves yellow and stands up for what he believes in.
Well done to our star of the week.....Nimrat! Nimrat is always extremely respectful and kind to her peers. Well done Nimrat!
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Nicholas
Autumn 1, week 8
Autumn 1, week 7
Autumn 1, week 6
Autumn 1, Week 5