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Autumn 1 Week 2

This week our Owls class began their full days at school! The children have done a marvellous job at adapting to the longer days (although I imagine many will sleep well tonight), and we have packed lots in to this week. 

In maths, we explored different ways of representing 1, 2 and 3, using cubes, numicon and numerals. We then practised how to write the numerals for 1, 2 and 3. We used natural resources that we found outside and created our very own large 'nature numbers'!

We enjoyed a welly walk, listening for different sounds and noticing any changes from last week. The children spotted more leaves on the ground and found some conkers, acorns and pine cones. 

In our writing this week, we spoke about who is in our family. We drew pictures of our families and began labelling them with initial sounds, e.g. 'm' for 'mummy'. We also looked at some examples of different families and talked about how each family is special and unique. We read 'Our Class is a Family' and spoke about how we can help each other and be a good team, supporting one another and being kind. 

We learnt some different ways of moving in PE, exploring skipping, jumping and hopping. The children thoroughly enjoyed the traffic light game too - trying to safely navigate the space around them when running. We also had our very first gymnastics lesson with Up and Under PE! The children had a brilliant time balancing and making different shapes with their bodies and exploring some of the gymnastics equiptment. 

We also spent some time talking about boundaries, and what to do if someone does something we don't like. We sang The Boundaries Song (found here on YouTube: which helps us remember the words we can use, and spoke about the importance of talking to a trusted adult. The children practise moving around with 'personal bubbles' (hula hoops!) and tried to not pop each other's bubbles. 

It has been wonderful watching the children become more settled into the new routines as the week went on, and we greatly look forward to a full week of full days next week! 

Congratulations to our first Star of the Week, Ariana! She has been a wonderful role model to her friends this week and demonstrated the school promises beautifully. Each week a different child will be awarded Star of the Week. They get the joy of taking Oliver the Owl home for the weekend! The class then enjoy looking at Oliver's book, where you can document your weekend adventures. 

Your child will have brought home their reading record today and a 'bedtime book'. A letter fully explaining early reading and what to do will have accompanied this. You will have also received a consent form for Speech and Language screening. This has gone out to everyone so that the class as a whole will be able to have access to the support and resources of the Speech and Language therapist and is not a cause for concern. If either letter was missing or you have any questions please do not hesitate to talk to Miss Slaney. 

Many thanks and have a wonderful weekend, hopefully many of you will enjoy the Yatton Keynall Village Fête! 

Miss Slaney