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Autumn 1 Week 5

The big news for this week is how wonderfully all the Owls did at their Harvest Festival Celebration! Well done everyone. I was so proud of every single child for how beautifully they sang and sat in church, for using their big brave voices when talking about their harvest art and for walking so sensibly and safely to and from church. 

This week the children read Stick man and Leaf man before making some 'leaf people' of our own on our Welly Walk! We drew around a child on a large piece of paper and labelled the drawing with parts of the body such as 'leg' and 'hand' to help us understand labelling. We then labelled photographs of our leaf people in our books with initial and final sounds, giving then heads, arms, legs and tummies! 

In maths, the children worked on ordering their numbers and recognising numbers in different representations.

Well done to our star of the week this week, Evie! Evie has been super brave this week and tried really hard to challenge herself with the things that scare her. Well done Evie, the ability to persevere is so important and you were a wonderful example of that this week.

A reminder that next week is the first of our parents' evening appointments on Thursday 12th before further appointments on Tuesday 17th. These 10-minute sessions will be a chance to hear about how your child has settled into school and give you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.