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Autumn 1 Week 6

Owls have had a really brilliant week this week and worked very hard! 

In our writing we were learning about rhyming words. We spoke about how a rhyming word is a word that 'sounds the same at the end to another word' such as dog and log. We read the book 'Oi Frog' and listened for any words that rhymed. These words were then written on the board and the endings underlined to show the rhyming part. The children also listened to the story 'Room on the Broom'. Sami had kindly brought in some home-made puppets, so we acted out the story (again listening out for our rhyming words!). The children then wrote in their books the initial and final sounds for the words dog, log, cat and mat. I have been really impressed by the children's efforts in phonics this first half-term and that is showing in their fabulous writing! 

In maths this week the focus has been number formation (how to correctly write our numbers). We focused on numbers 1-5. The children used their playdough to make the numeral, drew the numeral in chalk on the pavement outside and used paintbrushes or their fingers to draw the numeral in glitter and colourful sand! The children all engaged with each activity really well and we saw massive improvements even just within the week of their number formation. 

In PE, the children learnt different types of rolls and how to roll safely with Mr Peters in gymnastics. They learnt a forwards roll, side roll and teddy bear roll! We then included some of these rolls in our obstacle course for Friday's PE session! The children built upon last week's ways of moving by thinking of further ways to move and navigate space. They balanced along benches, hopped through hoops, rolled across mats and weaved in and out of cones.

Thank you to all the parents who attended parents' evening this week! It has been a pleasure to be able to meet you properly and spend some time letting you know how your child is settling in. I look forward to speaking to the rest of you on Tuesday.

Thank you also for returning your completed Tapestry forms. During half-term you will receive an email to activate your Tapestry account. This is where observations on your child will be uploaded regularly, so you can see even more of their learning at home. You will be able to like/comment and engage with the observations uploaded to Tapestry, so please do make sure to keep an eye out for the email and create a log in for yourself. 

There are only two days to go next week until the Owls first half-term! I imagine your child is very tired from their time at school. We have certainly kept them busy! I look forward to a fabulous two days next week filled with extra-fun activities before a restful break for them over half-term. 

There is no star of the week this week as it is being carried over to our final celebration assembly on Tuesday next week.