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Autumn 2 Week 6

This week the Owls have been very busy! 

We began the week talking about the seasons and the signs that the seasons were changing. We spoke about Winter and what we would likely see. Then we went out on a Winter-hunt Welly Walk! We took out some clipboards and paper and drew pictures showing what signs of Winter we could spot. The children were fabulous at looking closely at the trees! We spoke about evergreen trees and why some trees kept their leaves year-round whilst others didn't.

In our maths this week we have learnt about 2D shapes including square, triangle, rectangle and circle. The children learnt how to identify sides and corners and were shape detectives! They worked out which shape is which based on the number of sides and corners. 

In our writing we began our 'hot write' all about the Snowman from the 2012 John Lewis Advert. Our snowman went on an adventure but got lost! So we decided to make posters to help find him. We drew a picture of the snowman and wrote an accompanying sentence to describe what he looked like, using our adjectives. 

On Friday, we performed our dress rehearsal of the Nativity to Key Stage 2. The children did an incredible job at singing, dancing and performing! We cannot wait to show all the grown-ups next week.

If you are coming to a performance next week, please know that for the best view of your child: angels are sat on the right side of the stage (near the hall doors) whilst stars, sheep and the camel are sat on the left side of the stage (near the school kitchen and fire exit). Please remember that any photographs or videos taken can not be shared on any kind of social media for safeguarding reasons. 

We also had a very special visit today from Chippenham Fire Service! The Fire Service spoke to the children about fire safety and what they do to keep us safe before giving us a tour of the fire engine! The children were able to climb inside and ask questions about all the different tools, before waving the firefighters off, watching the lights and listening to the sirens! 

There was no star of the week this week. Have a wonderful weekend!