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Summer 1 Week 2

It has been another lovely week in Owls class this week! 

Our highlight of the week was having a visit from Tania (Tom's mum), who kindly helped us to plant some strawberry plants around our outside area! The children loved doing some more planting and were keen to share their new knowledge about what plants need to grow with our visitor. They had to scoop the compost into the baskets, make a space for their plant, lower it in, cover it up and water it. We then hung the baskets all around our outside space. Many thanks to Tania for giving up her time to help us with this exciting activity! (Further photos can be found on Tapestry). 

We also planted some cress this week, placing it in different areas around the classroom and outside to observe and monitor its growth and see if the conditions of the locations affected the cress' growth. The children took to checking the cress daily, using their magnifying glasses to try and note any tiny changes that might be occurring. We used our cress-growing experiment to help us decide what plants need to grow. Owls now know that plants need water, sun, food, space and time to grow. We also began learning a new song which helps us remember what they need to grow and name the different parts of a plant! 

The weather this week has been somewhat sunny, so Owls have taken every opportunity to be outside! We have been taking our snack time outside to enjoy the fresh air and did another Spring Nature Hunt to see what we could find. Camilla even made a moth friend! 

In maths, we have been learning about addition number sentences. We recapped what it means to combine two amounts and count to find out 'how many altogether?'. Then we looked at some number sentences and learnt what the addition and equals symbols were, so that the owls were then able to read and write some addition number sentences independently. We took our learning outside and used chalk, dice, numicon and whiteboards to make, write and solve our own number sentences! 

We have also been enjoying yoga in PE. I have been most impressed with the Owls' listening skills and flexibility! Next week, we will be beginning Forest School on Friday. Your child should have brought home a letter this week explaining what they will need and the dates for Forest School. We will be doing Forest School on Friday 3rd, Friday 10th and Friday 17th of May. For each of those days your child will need to come to school in old, comfortable clothes (preferably long sleeves to protect them from any scratchy or stingy plants!), sensible shoes such as trainers, walking books or wellies, and a raincoat. They will spend the full day in their Forest School clothes and we will be going out whatever the weather! 

Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week for another week of learning!