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Fire Fire........

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What an exciting week Falcons!

Here are some of the highlights from the week:

I have been so impressed with the children’s writing this week. We wrote speech bubbles for characters from The Great Fire of London book. The Falcons used information from their history lesson last week to help!

In maths, we have been exploring how to use number lines and adding numbers to blank number lines. We also compared numbers using the words greater than, less than and equal to. Falcons loved the crocodile song that helped them remember which symbol to use.

Falcons loved learning about the creation story and discussing God’s creations. We used play dough to make birds, sea creatures, people, the sun and animals.

In Sounds Write we have been learning all about the /ee/ sound. The children have been fantastic at saying the sounds and writing the words.

Star of the week: Jack

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Nicholas


- water bottles

- reading records each day 

- please read 5 times a week!

- Homework folders in on a Friday

- PE days this term are Mondays and Wednesdays - please come in PE kit these days