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Autumn 1 Week 1

Welcome back Kestrels!

We have had a hot, but fun week back. Everone has settled back in to school life and started to familiarise themselves back to the school routines well!

We were able to hear everyone's favourite memory from their summer holidays, and we wrote about them in our new English books, along with a detailed drawing to match. It was lovely to hear what a great summer everyone had!

We have started looking at our new topics in History, RE, Computing and PSHE, we are excited to learn more!

We are reading:

The Great Fire of London by Emma Adams 

The Jolley-Rogers and the Ghostly Galleon by Jonny Duddle

Thank you for a great first week!



- Hats and water bottles should be brought in every day - especially in this heat!

- Reading records: please read at least five times a week at home and bring your reading records in to school with you.

- PE days this term are Mondays and Wednesdays. Please come in your PE kit on these days!

Thank you! - Miss Hamilton