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Spring term 1 Week 2

We have done lots of amazing learning this week!

I am so proud of everybody in Kestrels as we have had a long week full of learning!

We have continued with our new topics of weather, animals, including humans, dreams and goals and Islam.

Highlights of the week:


In RE this week we started our new topic of Islam. Throughout the day, we committed to a task that we would complete 5 times, which we had to persevere to do. During our first Islam lesson, we looked at what Muslims commit themselves to doing 5 times a day. This was praying! We watched how Muslims pray and then had a go at it ourselves! We realised that it was a long process and allot is involved. The children put the steps of praying into an orderly sequence and then practised the sequence with partners! We were also lucky enough for Ezra to have bought the Qu'ran and a prayer mat to show the class. We loved it!


This week we listened to different sounds that the weather can make. We walked around the classroom with the sounds on and thought about how it made us feel! With this, we made a word bank for the weather as well as wrote some descriptive sentences describing the weather. We listened to how a snowstorm sounded, a thunderstorm, a lovely sunny day and a rainstorm! The children came up with som excellent words to describe these.


In science, we were comparing the difference between wants and needs. We discussed the things that humans and animals need to survive, compared to things that we just want. The children were able to sort pictures onto a table to show the difference. We found out that to survive we need to sleep, eat, drink water, and have shelter.


The children enjoyed being weather detectives this week, where they used lots of different materials to research facts about the weather and write them down! They used Ipads, books, posters and videos to help them with this. We have started to base our learning around the book: Once upon a raindrop. This book is a poetic book that informs children all about water! Our aim is to do our own writing in the same format but with the weather. The children have had practice writing rhyming strings this week to help them when it comes to their writing.


Our topic this term is 'Dreams and Goals'. To start the unit, we discussed what a dream and goal is and how it feels when we achieve them. The children were able to tell the rest of the class about something they had achieved recently and how it made them feel. They then made a treasure chest which they were able to write all of their achievements in. This was to show that everybody has their own treasure box of achievements which is stored inside them which they are able to think back to if they are ever down to remind themselves about all the amazing things they have achieved.

Star of the week: Mary! Well done Mary, you are always showing you are ready to learn and setting an excellent example to the rest of the class.


P.E. days are Monday and Tuesday this term. They will be doing tag rugby on Monday and Yoga on Tuesday.

Reading 5x a day and bringing reading records every day!

Homework should be handed in on Thursdays

It is very chilly outside, so please make sure your children have coats! Gloves and hats are also recommended!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Hamilton :)