Term 3, Week 2! 17.01.25

In Maths, we have continued to look at money. At the start of the week, we had to use coins and notes to make the same amount of money in different ways. This got tricky at times as we had to remember that there isn’t a 6p coin, and we had to think about what coins we could use to make that amount instead. By the end of the week, we were adding amounts of money together and deciding what we could buy from the shop with a given amount.
In English, we started looking at the book ‘Queen Victoria’s Bathing Machine’. We created a story map of the narrative to help us act it out and remember key points. We then thought about the structure of the narrative and decided what part was the opening, build up, dilemma, solution and ending. We ended the week by having a hot seat with ‘Queen Victoria and Prince Albert’ and asked them lots of questions relating to the book, making sure we spoke in the correct tense.
We loved starting Yoga this week in PE. It was a lovely way to end our Tuesday doing different yoga stretches and relaxation. Kestrels also did brilliant work in their football session with Mr Peters and tried really hard to master dribbling skills by making little taps to the ball instead of big kicks.
In science, we looked at ‘What are the key characteristics of living things?’ We discovered that all living things (things that are alive) react to their surroundings, grow, reproduce, feed and get rid of waste. We then had to sort different animals, plants and objects into groups – alive, used to be alive, never been alive.
Our star of the Week was Jack. Jack has tried really hard with his phonics and reading and has shown great improvements. Well done Jack!
- PE days for Term 3 are Tuesday (yoga) and Wednesday (football).
- Please bring in reading books and reading records every day and read 5 times a week at home. Remember an adult needs to sign the reading records.
- Spellings will come home on Monday. Please practice these every day at home ready for our spelling test on Fridays.
- Practice your times tables on TTRockstars using the login stuck in your reading record.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Knapp