Spring 1 Week 3
What have we been up to this week?
This week in Hawks we have carried on consolidating our multiplication within maths. We have been focusing on multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. To help us do this we have been using our column multiplication method. In PE this week we have loved our TAG Rugby and swimming! In English we have been focusing on instruction writing and have explore features and how to write instructions for others. In RE we have been exploring the Kashrut Rules and have been exploring which foods are Kosher and which are not. We found that very interesting and discussed how we would feel if we had to stick to such rules around food. In music we are continuing our samba music exploration and created our own samba rhythms in pairs and performed them to the class!
Star of the week:
This week we didn't have a star of the week, due to assembly being Year 3's class assembly. We will find out who is our star next week!
Reminders for next week:
-Please bring in reading records each day and read 5x per week at home. Spellings are sent home and TTRS for maths.
- PE days are Wednesday (swimming) and Friday (TAG Rugby).
- Please book a parents evening appointment!
Have a lovely weekend :).
Miss Reed x