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Spring 1 Week 1

Our first week back of term has been a busy one! 

This week we dove straight into our maths learning around multiplication. We explored factor pairs and discovered that we use them all of the time! We also started our History learning about the Egyptians. We shared what we already know on our knowledge webs and did our first Egyptians plickers quiz! We can't wait to learn all about what they achieved! 

This week we also started our new class book: Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll. We loved meeting Lil and hearing all about the mysterious package that was delivered to her grandad! If your child would like to buy and bring in their own copy of the book this would be very helpful in our reading sessions. 

Friendship workshop:

This week, Year 4 were lucky enough to experience a friendship workshop with some nurses. They came in and played lots of friendship-building games and helped us to develop our friendships as a whole class. We also spoke lots about what bullying is and the differences between being unkind and being a bully. We learnt lots and found it very helpful!


This week we experienced our very first swimming session as a class.

Things to remember: 

- Next Wednesday is our school trip to the Ashmolean Museum. Please make sure children wear appropriate clothing, comfortable footwear and bring their lunch and a drink in a bag for them to carry. 

- Next Friday we are continuing our swimming lessons. 

- Please read 5x a week and bring reading records into school daily. 

- Home learning was sent home today in bags. 

Have a lovely weekend :) Miss Reed x