Summer Term 2

A jam-packed term full of fun, sport and moving our bodies!
This term we have had so much fun in PE and sport and have enjoyed the warmer weather too! This term is always a PE favourite as we have our annual sports day! As well as our sports day this term, we also introduced our 'Healthy Week' with our brand-new colour run event!
Colour Run:
This term we introduced a new event and had a wonderful time during our first ever By Brook Colour Run! Every single child, teacher and even some parents took part in our school colour run, which involved obstacle courses and of course, the powdered paint! As well as having a brilliant time, we also raised money to go towards our school library! A massive thank you again to our parent helpers and sports leaders, who helped to run the day! Enjoy some of the colour run fun pictures below- taken by Mrs Holmes!
Sports Day:
This year we got to also enjoy our Sports day in the week of the colour run! As usual the sun came out, and we got to enjoy a beautiful day of supporting one another, healthy competition and happiness surrounded by our families and friends! Enjoy some sports day pictures too- taken by Mrs Tunsley!
Sports Leaders:
Finally, a massive thank you and cheer for this year's By Brook Valley sports leaders! They have helped to set up sports clubs, run events, set up for PE sessions, brought back Wake and Shake dances as a whole school, helped teachers in school and are always so supportive to others! Well done team, you have been a pleasure! We will see the Year 5 sports leaders again next year, but the Year 6s are ready to leave us here at BY Brook! You will do wonderfully as you move onto your next adventure! Here's to another full and fun year of sport and PE at By Brook Valley School! :)