Our Art Intent:
‘Roots to Grow and Wings to Fly’
Our teaching of Art at By Brook Valley provides opportunities to experience and explore materials, skills and techniques in different ways. We ensure that children are given these experiences as their roots in order to become proficient artists as they fly with their creativity. This will enable them to make their own choices about their preference of media in order to express themselves and make creative work.
- Become confident in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
- Enjoy exploring their ideas and engaging with different art forms to make creative work
- Develop a wide range of vocabulary linked with art skills and techniques
- Use art vocabulary to reflect on and analyse the work of themselves and other artists
- Read and explore about a range of artists and their work understanding their cultural and historical influences
How We Teach Art:
Art is taught on a two year rolling programme and includes the study of a range of artists from around the world and throughout history. These include Georgia O’Keefe and L S Lowry. We link with local artists in our community to support the children’s learning and have created some personalised pieces that are on show around the school.
Creativity is encouraged through individual and collaborative learning experiences. Children will be challenged in experiences that take them beyond the classroom. We will encourage children to use their experiences of the wider world to inspire their learning and use the grounds we have to inspire drawing, sculpting and printing techniques. Pupils will use their imagination to explore and express themselves through the arts, as well provide opportunities for collaborative working. We strive to inspire pupils to be creative through art challenges, as well as through our everyday curriculum. Children will make links to their previous learning of a skill and build on this to refine this area of art further.
We believe it is important for children to gain the confidence to see themselves as artists. We want them to leave our school with an abundance of wonderful memories of creative experiences that they have had. We also want our pupils to leave us with the knowledge, skills and learning capacities to tackle creative and artistic challenges in the future, taking pride in their progression and the art work they have produced over their time at By Brook Valley C of E Primary School.