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Autumn 2 Week 4

We have had another busy week in Ospreys.

In Maths, we are learning how to add and subtract using the column method with exchanges. The children have been working hard at this. In English, we have been learning about paragraphs and how to use them in our narrative writing.  

We have been practising every day for our Christmas play. Please can children continue to practice their words and songs at home. The children are looking forward to performing for their parents. Tickets were sent home this week.

A note was sent home this week about costumes. Please can these be in school in a named bag by Wednesday 29th November.

It is the Year 3 cake on Friday 1st December. We need donation of cakes, and we really need parents to volunteer to help set up and run the cake sale. The money raised will be used to purchase new books for the classroom to support their learning. Please can you let me know if you can help. Thank you.

It is also the Santa Run at school on Friday afternoon.

Please can children continue to read 5x a week and bring in their reading records on Friday.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boddy :)