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Autumn 2 Week 5

What a busy week we have had in Ospreys.

In Maths, we have been continuing with column addition and adding two 3-digit numbers together with exchanges. Next week we will be moving on to column subtraction. In English, we have been writing in paragraphs and learning about inverted commas when using direct speech in a narrative. In science, Ospreys have been learning about light and exploring the dangers of sunlight.

The children have been practising their Christmas play, and it is clear to see that they have been practising their lines at home. We are looking forward to performing for parents next week. If their costume is not already in school, please can we have these by Monday ready for our dress rehearsal.

We had lots of fun in the Santa run today. All the children completed the run and were rewarded with a hot chocolate and a delicious chocolate brownie. Thank you to everyone who helped out.

The year 3 cake sale was also a success. Thank you to everyone who baked or provided wonderful cakes and helped to sell them.

Star of the week this week is Thea. Thea always tries her best, even when work is tricky. Well done to Thea.

Please can children continue to read 5x at home and practice timetables on timetable Rockstars.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Keep warm.

Miss Boddy :)