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British Values


At By Brook Valley, Pupils have the opportunity for their voices to be heard through our house parliaments and pupil conferencing and questionnaires. Staff promote pupil voice in the classroom through a range of strategies, including circle time and opportunities to make decisions and expressing preferences.

The Rule of Law:

Our school is a place where pupils learn the importance of rules to society on a small and very practical scale. Our school rules (Promises) of 'Be ready, Be Respectful, Be responsible' are consistently administered through a clear positive behaviour policy, with well-defined rewards and sanctions. Law-abiding behaviour is encouraged at every opportunity the school day, including worship. Pupils are taught the value and reason behind laws; that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the potential consequences when laws and/or rules are broken. Visits from authorities, such as the police, fire service, road safety officers and 'Bikeability' trainers are part of our calendar and help reinforce these messages.

Individual Liberty:

Pupils at By Brook are equally valued and learn how to value and respect each other. We recognise and celebrate the fact that all children are unique, different and individual. Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make well-informed choices, knowing that they are  in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and those of others. They are able to safely exercise their rights and personal freedoms, for example through our Online safety and PSHE/RSHE curriculum.

Whether it be through choice of challenge, how they record work or participate in enrichment activities and opportunities, our pupils are given freedom to make choices. Additionally, ownership of learning is given to our pupils through the promotion of an investigative approach.

Our core values of 'Hope, Honesty, Friendship and Forgiveness' in school promote both adults and children as good role models. We take the opportunity to challenge stereotypes and to explore that with individual liberty and freedom comes great responsibility to the local community and wider world.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:

The school has a duty to develop pupils' awareness and attitudes to those from different cultures and faiths so that pupils are prepared to live in a diverse country and world that they will live in today and in the future. We enhance pupils' understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society by providing them with the opportunities to experience such diversity. Learning in Religious Education and PSHE supports the tolerance of others, and involves an understanding of prejudice and prejudice-based bullying. Visits to different places of worship, along with visits to the local churches are organised to enhance knowledge, understanding and awareness. Worship and class discussion are also used.

Mutual respect:

Our school ethos and behaviour policy are linked to the values of respect and friendship and the rule of 'Be respectful'. We actively promote mutual respect when exploring the lives, cultures, faiths and beliefs of others in our learning, including PSHE/ RSHE, circle time and RE lessons across the school. Additionally, we provide opportunities to develop respect for others and ourselves through enrichment activities, such as anti-bullying week, learning about and celebrating the Chinese New Year, festivals from different faiths and beliefs, meeting people with disabilities and backgrounds and learning about different charities and the work they do.