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Spring 1 Week 3

Thank you for coming to see our class assembly on Friday. The children worked hard at preparing for the assembly, and they were amazing on the day. I am so proud of them all. 

In Maths this week we have been looking at multiplication and how to calculate the total using equal groups. In English, we have been looking at different types of instructions, why we need instructions and the structure of instructions. 

In Geography, we have been learning about different climates around the world and focusing on the differences in climate between Florida and the UK. We have linked this to DT and have been investigating where our food comes from and why some foods need a certain climate to grow.

In science this week, children have been learning about the different types of bones that we have.

Please continue to read 5x a week as part of homework and practising time tables.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. Keep warm.

Miss Boddy :)