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Spring 1 Week 4

We have had another busy week in Ospreys.

In English, we have been learning about imperative verbs and fronted adverbials to help us with our instruction writing. See if the children can tell you what they are.

In Maths, we have been learning about multiples of 3, 5 and 10 and the difference between grouping and sharing.

We have been learning more about tropical and subtropical climates in Geography, and focusing on the climate in Florida.

During science, we learnt about muscles and why we need them and started making our own muscles!

Star of the week this week is Alex Schweidler. Alex has a great 'can do' attitude and is always trying his best during lessons. Well done Alex!

Parents evenings are on Thursday 1st February and Tuesday 6th February. Please book an appointment online.

Please can children continue to read 5x a week and practice their tables on Timestable Rockstars. Let me know if children do not have their log in for this.

Thank you for all your ongoing support.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boddy :)