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Spring 2 Week 5

Wow, I can't believe we have finished our last full week of the Spring term!

The children have been working hard as always this week. In English, we have planned and written our poems about the wind, using all the knowledge and skills learnt this term about poems. I'm looking forward to reading them all.

In Maths, we have been learning how to multiply 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number using the column method. The children have focused well and used their timetable knowledge to help them.

In RE, we are focusing on the Easter story and considering how Christians feel during Holy Week and why we celebrate Easter. We have been practising our Easter service as well, ready for next Tuesday.

In Science, the children were making fossils with Mrs Boyd, and they all really enjoyed this.

We explored using water colours this week in Art, and used them in different ways to see the effects it had on the outcome. We then learnt about landscape paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe and planned and painted our own landscapes using water colours. The paintings were all amazing!

We enjoyed watching the Falcons (Year 1) class assembly on Friday, which was brilliant. Therefore, we did not have celebration assembly this week. It will be on Wednesday.

A reminder that there are class photos on Tuesday, so children will need to be in full uniform. There will be no yoga on Tuesday due to the Easter service. The Easter service is at 1.30pm at Biddestone on Tuesday. We look forward to seeing you all there.

School breaks up for the Easter holiday on Wednesday at 2pm. The Easter fair will be straight after school.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boddy :)