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Summer 1 Week 6

We have had a great last week of term in Ospreys.

In Maths, we have been continuing with fractions and learning about equivalent fractions and how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.

In English, we are learning how to write a newspaper report and this week have been looking at the difference between facts and opinions and using direct speech.

We enjoyed learning more about Alfred the Great in History and this week we have been looking at when Alfred came to Chippenham and why he was great.

In RE, we answered our big question as part of our learning about Hinduism: How can Brahman be in everything and be everywhere? 

In PSHE this week have been learning about friendship and how to be a good friend, but also how we can solve friendship conflicts. We have also thought about teamwork and the importance of working together.

The children really enjoyed the Big Bounce on Thursday afternoon. Everyone took part, and it was great to see them all with huge smiles having a great time. Thank you to everyone who sponsored them!

Star of the week this week is Ann-Maria. Ann-Maria always follows our school promises and has a fantastic attitude to her learning. Well done Ann-Maria!

PE next term will be on Monday and Wednesday (including the first week back) and we will be doing cricket and athletics to prepare for sports day. 

I hope you all have a wonderful half-term. We are back on Wednesday 5th June.

Miss Boddy :)