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Summer 2 Week 1

It was lovely to see all the children after half-term. It sounds like everyone had a lovely break!

Ospreys have had a busy few days back. We have been preparing for sports day on 17th June and practising the events that they are taking part in during our PE lessons.

In Maths, we went over our learning of using the four operations that we have learnt so far in year 3. Next week we will be learning about money.

In English, we were looking at what makes a catchy heading in a newspaper report and trying to write our own heading based on our class book The Iron Man.

In PSHE, we have been talking about kindness and how we can be kind to others. We made a class kindness paper chain with everyone's names included. We have also been discussing bullying and what bullying is. We looked at different scenarios of unkind behaviour and discussed that all unkind behaviour is not acceptable but considered which scenarios were bullying and which were not bullying.

Please continue to read 5x a week as part of home learning and practice times tables.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boddy :)