Week 3 (20/4/20)
Hello Kestrels!
I hope you had a wonderful Easter break and managed to enjoy the sunshine. Here is the learning and resources for week 3 of the school closures. We have also attached a 2020 time capsule booklet that we thought would be memorable and fun to complete.
We are beginning some new topics in science and history this term, looking at plants and Samuel Pepys. The tasks for science and history this week are based around researching the new topics to introduce them.
Please remember to check your emails for weekly contact. I will be sending the weekly email on Wednesday and will be making phone calls on Friday for any that aren't responded to.
We are now using a new maths website to set weekly tasks. I will be including your new MyMaths log in details for further maths support and tasks via email this week. The web link for the MyMaths website is attached to the week 3 planning document.
There is also additional support for you online from Childline:
And for your parents from the NSPCC:
Have a wonderful week and don't hesitate to email me if there are any questions.
I can't wait for us all to be together again so I can see all of your wonderful learning! Keep smiling and we will see each other soon :) .
Miss Reed x