Week 6 (11/5/20)
Hello Kestrels,
Week 6 already. You have now completed a terms worth of home learning! You should be very proud of yourselves and your families. Keep up the effort, as every little helps.
This week I have only set MyMaths tasks for maths as many of you were saying the MyMaths and the worksheet tasks were unmanageable together. I hope this helps to ease the workload so that you can focus on getting the MyMaths complete without having to rush :). I am also able to see how you are getting on with Mymaths and if it is being completed, so that is also very handy.
Also, in art this week, I have set a task that involves creating a positive message sign to share with me and your friends. If you would like to and your parents give you permission, you can email this photo to me and I will create a video of all of your lovely photo signs to cheer everyone up. I will email the finished video out on Friday 15th May (so if you want to take part please email it to me before Thursday).
I hope you all enjoyed the video that was emailed to your parents of the staff at By Brook. We enjoyed sending you a little message to remind you to keep going!
This week Trevor, who does our brilliant worship assemblies in school, has kindly filmed an assembly and sent us the link so that we can enjoy it. Please take a look by following the link. It is brilliant and well worth a watch :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAOLXxE5cns
Please don't forget to respond to my emails so that i can be sure everyone is accessing the learning and is doing ok.
Another week of home learning ahead, we can do this. Keep up the hard work but also make sure you are having lots of fun with your family.
Don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions or just want to share what you've accomplished this week.
Keep smiling and take care of yourselves. Miss Reed x